An excerpt from Paul Mangiamele’s book Bennigan’s Return to Relevance: Bleeding Green 25/8 

“Training is the pulse of everything we do. Training, training and then, re-training. Training clearly is the breakfast of champions.

To me and our team, it’s common sense: the more we train, the more Team Members become attached to the brand and begin to live our culture. Another upside is, as cross training occurs, our Team Members become more productive, efficient, gain tenure and valuable experience.

Then something great happens; we retain their service to the company and they become our brand ambassadors!

However, if you stop the training and the development, you end up with a higher rate of turnover and that, in itself, is self defeating. Keep training and you’ll not only retain your employee but build a strong brand culture. Retention is power but, the hidden cost of turnover can sometimes be the difference between success and failure.”

– Paul Mangiamele, Chairman and CEO, Legendary Restaurant Brands

To buy Paul’s book, Bennigan’s Return to Relevance: Bleeding Green 25/8 contact [email protected] today!